Thursday, June 14, 2007

Rights of a nOBODY

Every now and then, I keep running into these discussions on God, his existence and his illustrative line of followers.

At the fall of a hat, theists come with examples of faithful scientists and mathematicians "If THEY believed in God, who are you to deny His existence?"
Answer "Nobody" looming large in the air.

I could almost see angels swooshing past in air doing cheer-leading dance singing "Quod Erat Demonstrandum"

Well, Not so sure about this one. That's where the critical difference between Logic and faith comes in.

Logic, I believe, means No person, No concept, No theory is too sacrosanct to be questioned. Whereas faith keeps drawing lines(lakshman-rekhas, are they?) everywhere. The fear that what will happen if the old structure of explanations collapses, does not endanger logic. Actually, the zeal to question norms is what logic thrives on.

I was thinking that maybe logic follows a meritocracy, but no. It's not about concept of merit decided based on past performance data. Maybe a democracy then. But no again. More people supporting a theory does not make it a correct theory, unless it can be proven.

The truth is, logic hardly worries about hierarchy. Tallest of the seats are open to question by smallest of the people. "Nobody" has a right to question anything and everything. Take the inverted commas out, and that's exactly what faith says. Irony, is it?

Who are these Einsteins, Newtons, Gallelios, but nobodies of their youth?If these nobodies were afraid to ask questions about what Archimedes thought to be the laws of physics?

Guess, we would still be amazed why apples fell down and would be celebrating Eureka days running around the streets wearing but waterdrops.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

It's 02.50 am in the morning or night and I am dizzy but in a mood to blabber.

This heady half-asleep condition feels like being drunk. (Arthur: "what's wrong about being drunk?" Ford: "Ask a glass of water.")

Alright, so almost 12 months to write second entry on Blog and I start by being delirious. I feel some confessions lurking behind my loquaciousness. Let's have it out if someone is going to read this at all he(and yes... she) has a right to know about this humble but magnanimous, simple but intelligent, innocent but wicked, stingy but large hearted, lazy AND lazy and then some more lazy author.

I have always loved two basic entities - Words and Numbers. Number theory and literature has the effect on me that light has on moth. But when it came to critical decisions of my life, I sold my soul to devil (Read engineering and then MBA) in anticipated return of green pieces matter made out of local vegetation. Number theory got angry and left me. But language could not leave me like that. We have long lasting relations you see.

Gujarati is like mother. Always there. Whenever I am short of words, she brings a mouthful of them and rescues me out of situation. By virtue of this relation, Hindi is like a sweet maternal aunt who pampers me with mumbaiya flavour. Urdu is daughter of Hindi from her outside caste marriage with Farsi. So Urdu is like a distant cousin. I am fond of her, but I don't know her much. English is a language that grew up with you from Ba ba blackship to the girl singing in valley. She was so so attractive during college and later became a part of your life. English is like my wife. "I love her a lot, but I don't have command over her."

Well, that does it. Not much remains to be said. (Well, there are things, but you better not ask me. ;P)

Statutory Warning:

Now that I plan to be a regular blogger, come to this page at your own peril. I will be and will not be contradictory. I will use wrong places at wrong words. I shall not cares to know the rules for the grammar. But ye thinketh twice before you shall open your tongue trap because this is MY BLOG... And I rule here....


And of course... welcome etc. etc.